President – Leads the efforts of the PTSA in achieving a strong partnership between the staff, parents and students through communication and recognition. Presides over General meetings and monthly Business Meetings.
Vice-President – Assists the President in facilitating the PTSA sponsored programs. Attends all general meetings and monthly Business meetings.
Secretary – Takes attendance and minutes at each PTSA Board and General Meeting. Distributes the minutes to all board members for approval and records any changes necessary. Maintains a record of all historical minutes and official records of the PTSA and ensures that current year’s minutes are available on the PTSA website and at the school. Collects a signed confidentiality agreement from each board member at the beginning of their term.
Treasurer – Accounts for all monies coming in and going out of the PTSA. Pays all legitimate PTSA bills, and collects & deposits all monies brought in by PTSA. Generates an annual budget for approval by the Board and General Membership. Generates and presents a financial report at all PTSA board meetings. Has both monthly and annual audits done of the PTSA financial accounts and files any required tax forms. Attends all General meetings and monthly Business meetings.
Vice-President – Assists the President in facilitating the PTSA sponsored programs. Attends all general meetings and monthly Business meetings.
Secretary – Takes attendance and minutes at each PTSA Board and General Meeting. Distributes the minutes to all board members for approval and records any changes necessary. Maintains a record of all historical minutes and official records of the PTSA and ensures that current year’s minutes are available on the PTSA website and at the school. Collects a signed confidentiality agreement from each board member at the beginning of their term.
Treasurer – Accounts for all monies coming in and going out of the PTSA. Pays all legitimate PTSA bills, and collects & deposits all monies brought in by PTSA. Generates an annual budget for approval by the Board and General Membership. Generates and presents a financial report at all PTSA board meetings. Has both monthly and annual audits done of the PTSA financial accounts and files any required tax forms. Attends all General meetings and monthly Business meetings.
Committee Positions
Membership Chairperson + Committee - Oversees PTSA membership via MemberHub online and paper sign ups. Creates and implements membership drive at the beginning of the school year. Promotes membership at various parent nights and PTSA events and ongoing throughout the year and through email communication, staff announcements and social media. The chair also coordinates with the treasurer monthly for payments to the State and National PTA, tracks membership and funds received and communicates results to the Board. Attends monthly business meetings. Attends all General meetings and monthly Business meetings.
Ways & Means Chair - Oversees income generation from the community, including Spirit Wear, Business Rewards, Gator Bites and Corporate Sponsorships.. Attends all General meetings and monthly Business meetings.
Communications Chair + Committee - Oversees the communication between the PTSA and the students, parents, faculty and local community including the PTSA newsletter, PTSA Website and social media (Instagram, Twitter and Facebook). Promotes Green Level’s Facebook groups, and prepares the PTSA updates submitted to Green Level for email distribution. Attends all General meetings and monthly Business meetings.
Staff Appreciation Chairperson + Committee - Organizes special events for the staff, including a kick-off event before school starts, teacher appreciation week and a spring luncheon. Provides gifts and treats to the staff throughout the year. This position is often co-chaired. Attends all General meetings and monthly Business meetings.
Staff Grants Chairperson + Committee - Initiates and executes the process enabling Staff to submit grants for special projects for which funds may not be otherwise available. The committee reviews all submissions and recommends final awards for the board to approve.
Student Engagement Chair - Attends all General meetings and monthly Business meetings.
Audit Chair + Committee - Reviews the monthly bank statements and reconciliations provided by the treasurer to ensure that all monies are accounted for. Conducts an audit at the end of the fiscal year. Must have a minimum of 3 people on the committee. Attends all General meetings and monthly Business meetings.
Nominating Chair + Committee - The purpose of this committee is to nominate a slate of officers for the coming year. Recruits qualified volunteers for all PTSA positions. Presents a slate of officers to be voted on/approved at the last general meeting of the year. Must have a minimum of 3 people on the committee. Attends all General meetings and monthly Business meetings.
Advocacy Chair - Through coordination with the Board, develops and organizes meetings, activities, and programs to further the goals and purposes of the PTSA. This committee is tasked with improving communications and relationships between school staff and families; educating families and caregivers on important issues related to the health and educational success of their children; and helping to make each child’s potential a reality. Attends all General meetings and monthly Business meetings.
Board Advisory Council (BAC) Representative - Attends BAC meetings for District 8 and makes a report to the board. Meetings are typically once a month, at locations rotating around the district. If you are not able to attend a meeting, it is your responsibility to ensure that another parent representative is present at the meeting. The substituting parent should be in an existing leadership position at the school.
Principal - Attends all General meetings and monthly Business meetings.
Teacher Representative - Attends all General meetings and monthly Business meetings.
At-Large Member(s) - Selected from the general membership because the executive board feels they would be an asset to the board of directors. Attends all General meetings and monthly Business meetings.
Ways & Means Chair - Oversees income generation from the community, including Spirit Wear, Business Rewards, Gator Bites and Corporate Sponsorships.. Attends all General meetings and monthly Business meetings.
- Spirit Wear - Sells spirit wear at PTSA and school events. Creates price list with President, VP and Treasurer; develops new spirit wear items as needed; orders spirit wear for inventory; collects spirit wear funds from events and delivers to treasurer following financial procedures. If cannot attend monthly business meeting, must submit a report to the Ways & Means Chair to present at monthly meetings.
- Business Loyalty Rewards Coordinator - Encourages people to sign up for our local business rewards through partnerships with Harris Teeter, Amazon, Lowe’s Foods and Publix. Communicates with the rewards program businesses, tracks the funds received and reports these amounts to the board. Keeps up to date on the status of current rewards programs and is on the look-out for any new programs that may become available. If cannot attend monthly business meeting, must submit a report to the Ways & Means Chair to present at monthly meetings.
- Gator Bites Coordinator - Arranges GLHS nights at local businesses that will give a portion of the proceeds from the night to our PTSA. Contacts businesses and makes the arrangements for a specific night and amount/percentage that they are willing to donate. Word is spread to our families and students through the use of the PTSA website, school announcements and social media. If cannot attend monthly business meeting, must submit a report to the Ways & Means Chair to present at monthly meetings.
- Corporate Sponsorships - Solicits corporate sponsorships from local businesses. If cannot attend monthly business meeting, must submit a report to the Ways & Means Chair to present at monthly meetings.
Communications Chair + Committee - Oversees the communication between the PTSA and the students, parents, faculty and local community including the PTSA newsletter, PTSA Website and social media (Instagram, Twitter and Facebook). Promotes Green Level’s Facebook groups, and prepares the PTSA updates submitted to Green Level for email distribution. Attends all General meetings and monthly Business meetings.
- Social Media - Promotes the PTSA on InstaGram, Twitter and FaceBook, by posting about upcoming events including Gator Bites, Gator Gear sales, General Membership meetings, etc. If cannot attend monthly business meeting, must submit a report to the Communications Chair to present at monthly meetings.
- Webmaster - Maintains our PTSA website (Weebly) that is linked on the GLHS web site. If cannot attend monthly business meeting, must submit a report to the Communications Chair to present at monthly meetings.
- Newsletter - Creates and distributes a weekly newsletter to be emailed to the general PTSA membership using items/events/news that are submitted for the newsletter. If cannot attend monthly business meeting, must submit a report to the Communications Chair to present at monthly meetings.
Staff Appreciation Chairperson + Committee - Organizes special events for the staff, including a kick-off event before school starts, teacher appreciation week and a spring luncheon. Provides gifts and treats to the staff throughout the year. This position is often co-chaired. Attends all General meetings and monthly Business meetings.
Staff Grants Chairperson + Committee - Initiates and executes the process enabling Staff to submit grants for special projects for which funds may not be otherwise available. The committee reviews all submissions and recommends final awards for the board to approve.
Student Engagement Chair - Attends all General meetings and monthly Business meetings.
- Care Coordinator - Works with the community to collect donations of gift cards, clothing, and non-perishable food in order to maintain a clothing closet and food pantry for students in need. Liaisons with Student Services.
- Student Enrichment - Works with the PTSA Board in conjunction with school administration to establish enrichment priorities for the student body. Identifies relevant motivational/inspirational speakers assembly schedules, working within budget. Coordinates logistics with school administration. If cannot attend monthly business meeting, must submit a report at monthly meetings.
- Senior Activities Chairperson + Committee - Works with student leaders and GLHS staff to coordinate and communicate senior activities, especially those sponsored by the PTSA. Solicits support, both monetary and volunteers, from Senior Parents to supplement budgeted amounts for various events. Sells senior yard signs in the spring. If cannot attend monthly business meeting, must submit a report at monthly meetings.
- Reflections Coordinator - Coordinates with Wake County Reflections program in the fall at GLHS. Advertises the program, collects the submissions, arranges for judging and sends off the winners. Thank you gifts are provided to the judges and a small celebration is arranged for the winners. If cannot attend monthly business meeting, must submit a report to the Student Support Engagement Chair to present at monthly meetings.
Audit Chair + Committee - Reviews the monthly bank statements and reconciliations provided by the treasurer to ensure that all monies are accounted for. Conducts an audit at the end of the fiscal year. Must have a minimum of 3 people on the committee. Attends all General meetings and monthly Business meetings.
Nominating Chair + Committee - The purpose of this committee is to nominate a slate of officers for the coming year. Recruits qualified volunteers for all PTSA positions. Presents a slate of officers to be voted on/approved at the last general meeting of the year. Must have a minimum of 3 people on the committee. Attends all General meetings and monthly Business meetings.
Advocacy Chair - Through coordination with the Board, develops and organizes meetings, activities, and programs to further the goals and purposes of the PTSA. This committee is tasked with improving communications and relationships between school staff and families; educating families and caregivers on important issues related to the health and educational success of their children; and helping to make each child’s potential a reality. Attends all General meetings and monthly Business meetings.
Board Advisory Council (BAC) Representative - Attends BAC meetings for District 8 and makes a report to the board. Meetings are typically once a month, at locations rotating around the district. If you are not able to attend a meeting, it is your responsibility to ensure that another parent representative is present at the meeting. The substituting parent should be in an existing leadership position at the school.
Principal - Attends all General meetings and monthly Business meetings.
Teacher Representative - Attends all General meetings and monthly Business meetings.
At-Large Member(s) - Selected from the general membership because the executive board feels they would be an asset to the board of directors. Attends all General meetings and monthly Business meetings.